Open source contributions

Often during development work we find ourselves implementing a small feature or extension to an open source tool that could also be useful to others.

When feasible we try to make this work available and usable by others, and in this small way give back something to the open source community that indirectly supports so much of our work.



  • ssciwr/cookiecutter-cpp-project
    • Configurable template repository for starting new C++ projects
    • Modern CMake build system
    • Possibility of pybind11-based Python bindings
    • Integration with many services like Github Actions, ReadTheDocs, etc.
  • ssciwr/pybind11-numpy-example
    • A simple example of how to provide Python bindings from C++ using pybind11
    • Exposes a std::vector from C++ as a numpy array in Python without copying the data
    • Includes CI to build wheels and deploy them to PyPI