Software Practical "Research Software Engineering"
The software practical is a mandatory course in the BSc/MSc Computer Science curriculum, as well as in Mathematics and Scientific Computing. Students will carry out project work over the course of a semester, implementing a self-contained project according to best practices of software development.
The SSC version of the practical focusses on "Research Software Engineering". RSE is a rather new term that describes the use of software developement and software engineering practices in research applications. In the practical, we will implement tools that support research software development. Projects are taken from actual projects by the SSC or are inspired from such.
The primary programming language for the practical is Python, although C++ and JavaScript/TypeScript might be sprinkled in depending on the project.
If you are interested in the practical, please sign up in MÜSLI. You will then receive an invitation to a kick-off meeting on April 18th, 1pm. At this meeting, project ideas are presented and further information will be given.